Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sherry - 17 Days Later

Here are a couple more pics from Sherry. Here is what she had to say:
Today would be 17 days after the procedure. I have to say I really don't notice much difference as far a looking better. As I mentioned before, the doc says to reap the full benefits of the Deep FX I must wait for several months for the collagen to begin to regenerate. My 'turkey gobble' area under my neck is slightly tighter which is a good sign. That is one of the areas that had the Deep FX. I'm trying to be patient. In the mean time I still have a few red areas where the Deep procedure was done!
I think she looks awesome but she was hoping for more results with fine lines. I can see a differance...can you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of difference!!! Nicer and clearer skin!! Congrats!!